
友情散文2024-04-29 10:47:112
1、谁在夜里泣不成声,笑说自己,没爱过那个人。 Who cried in the night, said with a smile that they did not love that person. 2、飞蛾扑了火花,你又信了谎话。 The moth catches the spark, and you believe the lie. 3、以为遮住耳朵就听不见,心碎的声音在蔓延。 Think that the sound of the ear can not cover the spread of heartbreak. 4、你对我的冷漠,全部写下了你对她的心疼。 Your indifference to me, all write down your love for her. 5、我想留住你,你却从不在意。 I want to keep you, but you never care. 6、遇到危险,要么自救,要么自尽,别指望他人。 When you are in danger, either save yourself or commit suicide. Don't count on others. 7、当我们不能回头时,只能继续往前走。 When we can't turn back, we can only move on. 8、等一个发现,等一个感动让爱再沸腾。 Wait for a discovery, wait for a touch, let love boil again. 9、宁愿一开始什么都没有,也不愿最后什么都失去。 I would rather have nothing in the beginning than lose everything in the end. 10、我们只能,一边失去,一边生存。 We can only live while we lose. 11、我不记得我和你有过曾经,我失忆了。 I don't remember that I had one with you. I lost my memory. 12、唯一的错,在意的心。 The only fault, care about the heart. 13、童话毕竟是童话,再绚烂也只不过是昙花一现。 After all, fairy tales are fairy tales. No matter how gorgeous they are, they are just a flash in the pan. 14、说好让我给你幸福,可你却去给别人幸福。 Say let me give you happiness, but you go to give others happiness. 15、一座旧城,一个孤单的人,我只独守绝望的爱情。 An old city, a lonely person, I only keep desperate love. 16、不要让女生习惯孤单,因为她会不再需要你。 Don't let a girl get used to being alone, because she won't need you any more. 17、牵强过后,总是兵分两路。 After far fetched, there are always two ways. 18、我的两个好闺蜜啊,改闺蜜头像怎么不叫上我呢。 My two good friends, why don't you call me if I change my best friend's face. 19、你在我的面前,把爱情玩转的如此花哨。 You in front of me, the love play so fancy. 20、如果你是来了还会走的人,那我宁愿错过你。 If you come and go, I'd rather miss you. 21、优等的心,不必华丽,但必须坚固。 A superior heart need not be gorgeous, but it must be strong. 22、我来到了你所在的城市,而你却早已把我忘记。 I came to your city, but you have already forgotten me. 23、别用狡诈的样子容貌来武装本人,它会水土不屈。 Don't use cunning appearance to arm yourself, it will be indomitable. 24、别骂我是狗,只怪自己年轻没实力! Don't call me a dog. I'm young and weak! 25、擦着眼泪,不敢回首。 Wipe tears, dare not look back. 26、我太容易骄傲,所以到最后一无所有的都是我。 I'm too proud, so it's me who has nothing in the end. 27、许多事情的关键,只是看你是否有一颗主动的心。 The key to many things is to see if you have an active heart. 28、心累了,也就什么都不想解释了! Heart tired, also don't want to explain anything! 29、一路走来,我用我的善良喂了不少没良心的狗。 Along the way, I fed many heartless dogs with my kindness. 30、你会不会忽然的出现,在街角的咖啡店。 Will you suddenly appear in the corner coffee shop. 31、如果你说的如果,我要怎么相信。 If you say if, how can I believe it. 32、其实我也很难过,你为什么不回头看看我。 In fact, I'm also very sad. Why don't you look back at me. 33、当噩耗来袭,哪一首情歌唱的是我。 When the bad news comes, which love song is sung by me. 34、孤独的爱情,孤独的错。 Lonely love, lonely fault. 35、我也会记得你,然后爱上别人。 I will remember you and fall in love with others. 36、宁可孤独,也不违心,宁可抱憾,也不将就。 It's better to be lonely than against your heart. It's better to regret than to make do with it. 37、谢谢你告诉我,感动不是爱。 Thank you for telling me that moving is not love. 38、为你花开满城,为你灯明三千。 The city is full of flowers for you, and three thousand lights for you. 39、亲爱的,在你的面前我抹杀了我的坚强。 Dear, in front of you, I killed my strong. 40、有些话,没机会亲口说,就让它烂在肚子里吧! Some words, don't have a chance to say, let it rot in the stomach! 41、幸福仍在继续,痛苦还在蔓延。 Happiness is still going on, pain is still spreading. 42、我们应该尊重自己,甚至敬畏自己。 We should respect ourselves, even revere ourselves. 43、很多人还是慢慢离我而去,只留下曾经点滴足迹。 Many people are still leaving me slowly, leaving only the footprints. 44、我可以受十分的苦,但我受不了半点委屈。 I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand any injustice. 45、当初明明已知道结局,为何却还要飞蛾扑火? When I knew the ending, why did I fly moths to the fire? 46、你流过多少泪,就有多少笑容在等待你。 How many tears you shed, how many smiles are waiting for you. 47、你是我心脏的一部分,没有人可以取代。 You are a part of my heart, no one can replace you. 48、反正早晚都要分开,我们都不用勉强自己! Anyway, we have to separate sooner or later, we don't have to force ourselves! 49、有时候,无奈也是一种美。 Sometimes, helplessness is also a kind of beauty. 50、年少的爱始终任性,不懂花开只一次的爱情。 Young love is always wayward, do not understand the love of flowers only once.




